National Walking Day Timeline


Manpo-kei becomes okay

In 1965 Y. Hatano created a pedometer based on the concept of 10,000 steps a day (what manpo-kei roughly translates to). It wasn't until 20 years later in 1985 when the research was finally accepted as being scientifically sound that 10,000 steps a day is the rough approximation for which humans experience health benefits from walking.


One your mark. Get set. Walk.

Racewalking is introduced as an Olympic sport following pedestrianism's popularity where a "fair heel and toe rule" is established meaning a heel must be on the ground before a toe can leave, resulting in the half-walk half-jog gait now commonly associated with the sport.

18th century

Bet on Pedestrianism

Pedestrianism enters the modern lexicon as a popular sport for betting who can walk the longest, fastest, and still keep the proper gait.

1.5 million years ago

Fossilized footprints tell a story

According to fossilized footprints, it's likely that humans were walking similar to how we do today about 1.5 million years ago. No wonder we like it so much!