National Apple Day — 21 October

What is National Apple Day?

National Apple Day falls on October 21 and is a day dedicated entirely to celebrating all things apple: apple pie, apple sauce, apple crisp… The list goes on and on. This holiday reminds us to appreciate the apple in its myriad forms. On October 21st, pick out your favorite variety and celebrate with apple lovers across the world.

National Apple Day Related Holidays

Johnny Appleseed Day

When first hearing about Johnny Appleseed, most people are surprised to discover that this American legend was a real person! It’s true. Far from being simply the stuff of folklore, Appleseed (real name: John Chapman) was an American nurseryman who introduced apple trees across the Midwest. Johnny Appleseed Day on September 26 is celebrated in his honor.

National Apple Pie Day 

Apple pie holds a special place in the landscape of traditional American desserts. The likes of cheesecake, pecan pie, and banana pudding may have a home in the hearts (and stomachs) of American dessert-lovers, but none maintain the cultural importance of this particular delicacy. May 13th gives Americans the chance to indulge in that most special apple-filled treat. 

National Caramel Apple Day 

National Caramel Apple Day is generally overshadowed by Halloween, as they both share the same date. However, caramel apples are still a staple of the Halloween-night diet, and many trick-or-treaters and spooksters may find themselves inadvertently celebrating the holiday with a passion that matches their delight of all things ghoulish.

Full List of Holidays in October

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21 October