National Book Lovers Day Timeline


Fit to print

Ex-goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press. He also creates an oil-based ink — for all that type. (We wonder if Jeff Bezos ever thinks about all this stuff.)



Iconic Left Bank bookstore Shakespeare and Company publishes James Joyce's masterpiece when no one else would give it a chance. It's widely considered one of the most important works of modernist literature.


"America I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing..."

Poet Allen Ginsberg's book "Howl" is so controversial that Lawrence Ferlinghetti, owner and publisher of City Lights in San Francisco, winds up busted for obscenity. The volume, including the epic "America," would go on to inspire beat poets, hippies, and cultural revolutionaries to resist conventional values in the mid-20th century.


Oprah's Book Club debuts

At the height of her popularity, Oprah Winfrey names “The Deep End of the Ocean” by Jacquelyn Mitchard as the first offering in her book club. Oprah's blessing nearly guaranteed best-seller status.