National Cheese Ball Day — 17 April


National Cheese Ball Day is an annual celebration of the classic party treat that is beloved by many. Held every April 17th, this delightful and fun occasion allows cheese lovers to indulge in a variety of cheese ball recipes, from savory to sweet, and share their creations with friends and family. In this article, we'll explore the history of National Cheese Ball Day, popular variations of the cheese ball, and tips on hosting your own cheese ball party.

History of National Cheese Ball Day

Origin of the cheese ball

The cheese ball can be traced back to ancient times, with records showing that the Romans enjoyed a version of this tasty treat. However, the modern cheese ball, as we know it today, originated in the United States during the 1800s. It became a popular party appetizer, often prepared with cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and various herbs and spices.

The inception of National Cheese Ball Day

Although the exact origins of National Cheese Ball Day are unclear, it's widely believed to have been created by cheese lovers who wanted to dedicate a day to celebrating their favorite party snack. The celebration has since gained popularity, with people from all over the world joining in on the cheesy fun.

Cheese Ball Variations

Classic cheese ball

The classic cheese ball is a blend of cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and various seasonings. It is often coated with chopped nuts, such as pecans or almonds, for added texture and flavor. This savory treat pairs perfectly with crackers or sliced vegetables.

Sweet cheese ball

For those with a sweet tooth, the sweet cheese ball is a delightful twist on the traditional recipe. Made with cream cheese, sugar, and sweet flavorings like chocolate or fruit, it's the perfect dessert option. Roll the sweet cheese ball in crushed cookies or nuts for added flavor and crunch.

Vegan cheese ball

Catering to dietary restrictions, the vegan cheese ball offers a delicious alternative for those avoiding dairy products. Made with cashews, nutritional yeast, and various seasonings, it's a tasty and satisfying option for vegans and non-vegans alike.

The Art of Making a Cheese Ball


The ingredients you choose will have a significant impact on the flavor and texture of your cheese ball. Experiment with different types of cheeses, herbs, spices, and coatings to find the perfect combination.


When making a cheese ball, it's essential to soften the cream cheese to ensure a smooth, creamy texture. Mixing the ingredients thoroughly and refrigerating the cheese ball before serving allows the flavors to meld and the ball to firm up.


A beautifully presented cheese ball makes a stunning centerpiece for any party or gathering. Consider garnishing your cheese ball with fresh herbs, edible flowers, or additional nuts for an eye-catching display.

Cheese Ball Pairings

Crackers and bread

Pair your cheese ball with a variety of crackers and breads to accommodate different tastes and textures. Choose from options like whole wheat crackers, crispbread, or sliced baguette to provide a satisfying crunch.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables not only add color and freshness to your cheese ball platter but also complement the flavors of your cheese ball. Opt for sliced apples, grapes, carrot sticks, or celery for a delightful contrast in taste.


To enhance the overall cheese ball experience, serve it with an array of beverages that complement its flavors. Red or white wine, beer, or non-alcoholic options like sparkling water or iced tea all make excellent pairings.

Hosting a Cheese Ball Party


Get your guests excited about your cheese ball party by sending out themed invitations. Include the date, time, location, and any additional information, like a request for guests to bring their favorite cheese ball recipe.


Set the tone for your cheese ball party with fun and festive decorations. Use cheese-themed tableware, banners, and centerpieces to create an inviting atmosphere.

Cheese ball recipe contest

Encourage friendly competition among your guests by hosting a cheese ball recipe contest. Offer prizes for categories like "Most Creative," "Best Tasting," or "Best Presentation."

Cheese Ball Fun Facts

The world's largest cheese ball weighed in at an impressive 1,235 pounds.
The cheese ball has been a popular party appetizer since the 1800s.
Cheese balls can be sweet or savory, catering to a wide range of taste preferences.


National Cheese Ball Day is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate a beloved party treat and share your favorite recipes with friends and family. By learning about the history, variations, and pairings, you'll be well-equipped to host an unforgettable cheese ball party.


When is National Cheese Ball Day?

National Cheese Ball Day is celebrated annually on April 17th.

Can I make a cheese ball ahead of time?

Yes, making a cheese ball ahead of time allows the flavors to meld and the ball to firm up. Simply wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Are there gluten-free options for cheese ball pairings?

Absolutely! Serve your cheese ball with gluten-free crackers, bread, or sliced vegetables to accommodate gluten-free guests.

What's the best way to store leftover cheese ball?

Wrap the leftover cheese ball in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Can I freeze a cheese ball?

Yes, cheese balls can be frozen for up to a month. Thaw in the refrigerator before serving.

11 months from now
17 April