National Cheeseburger Day Timeline


Patrons storm the White Castle

An American food icon, White Castle, opens its doors for the first time in Wichita, Kansas.


Lionel Sternberger flips the cheeseburger

A teen working in his dad's sandwich shop adds cheese to a burger and creates a sensation!


Pay a quarter, get a cheeseburger

O'Dell's restaurant, a Los Angeles favorite, charges 25 cents for a cheeseburger.


Trademark declined

Humpty-Dumpty's, a Denver, Colorado drive-through, makes an unsuccessful attempt to trademark the word "cheeseburger."


Get ready to rumble: Mayor McCheese vs. H.R. Pufnstuff

TV producers Sid and Marty Kroft accuse McDonald's of plagiarism — specifically claiming the burger giant's "Mayor McCheese" is a direct ripoff of their own H.R. Pufnstuff character. The Krofts win. The court orders McDonald's to pay $1 million in damages and stop producing several of its characters.