National Common Courtesy Day Timeline


IITTI was formed

An organization named IITTI was formed to test employee etiquette in interviewees.


Emily Post began documenting etiquette

Emily Post was a famous author who wrote a best-selling book called "Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home."

18th Century

The Enlightenment Era and politeness

Politeness, certain artistic standards, and behaviors started becoming markers of affluence and upward mobility.

551–479 BC

Confucius shapes morality and manners in China

The Chinese teacher, philosopher, and politician fostered a mindset that shaped morality, correctness in relationships, and justice.

3rd Millennium BC

Ptahhotep wrote his Maxims

The ancient Egyptian Vizier Ptahhotep wrote a book of Maxims that discussed how to treat others and exhibit self-control.