National Crush Day — 27 September

National Crush Day, also referred to as Crush a Can Day, is held every September 27 and highlights the importance of recycling. It’s a reminder that recycling reduces carbon emissions, saves money, and cuts down on waste. National Crush Day is an opportunity for those who care about the environment to advocate for recycling. Let’s all pitch in and do our part

In modern society it’s hard to think of a world without cans, they are such a common commodity and so very necessary. They are actually one of the oldest methods of preserving food, predating Mason jars by several decades. The origin of cans can be dated back to 1795 when Napoleon commissioned 12,000 Francs to anyone who can devise a way of preserving food for his army & navy. After some time, a Frenchman by the name of Nicolas Alpert created the process of sterilization which paved the way for canned goods. Just nine years later a British merchant named Peter Durand received a patent from King George III for preserving food in tin cans. By 1819 cans were introduced to New York City and quickly became very popular in the United States.

By 1938 the first canned beer was introduced by the Kruger Brewing Company of Richmond, Virginia, called “Krueger Cream Ale.” And by the 1960s the use of tin cans was common for everything from tuna to motor oil. This type of can was popular because it could be easily molded, could support carbonated pressure, was lighter, and did not rust. However, by 1970, which was also the first year Earth Day took place, recycling started to get much more attention. Today in the United States, 105,784 aluminum cans are recycled each minute — leading to an overall recycling rate of nearly 50%, the highest recycling rate for any beverage container. Due to the infinite recyclability of aluminum, 75% of all aluminum produced is still in circulation. This means that aluminum cans contain an average of 73% recycled content. Making a can from old cans uses 90% less energy and generates 90% less emissions compared to producing that same can from virgin material. So remember to recycle your cans and try your best to keep our planet clean!

4 months from now
27 September