National Pumpkin Day — 26 October

What is National Pumpkin Day?

National Pumpkin Day falls on October 26. Pumpkins are so much more than just a fun holiday accessory. Not only are they one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene (an antioxidant converted to vitamin A in the body), but pumpkins are loaded with fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. Try some on National Pumpkin Day (and of course have a little fun carving them).

What Are Some National Pumpkin Day Related Holidays? Halloween  Pumpkin pie or no pumpkin pie — if it weren’t for Halloween, we wouldn’t think twice about pumpkins. Halloween’s the best thing that ever happened to these big giant gourds/squashes/fruits — besides, quite possibly, the Smashing Pumpkins. Thanksgiving   Pumpkins can thank Thanksgiving for their other slice of yearly publicity. Everything turns, well, pumpkin-ish in late November especially when we our beloved pumpkin pies appear as the definitive Thanksgiving dessert. Fall Equinox   Supermarkets suddenly sprout pumpkins once the calendar turns to fall. And pumpkin patches appear. And we all start watching It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Pumpkins are perhaps the ultimate symbol that autumn has arrived.

Full List of Holidays in October

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26 October