National Singles Day Timeline


Rihanna is single by choice

"Guys need attention," she says. "I’ll give it to my family, I’ll give it to my work – but I will not give it to a man right now."


Taylor Swift builds a money empire out of her failed relationships

"1989," the best-selling album of 2014, is simultaneously Swift's breakup with country music and a mourning of her one-month relationship with Harry Styles, referencing him literally and contextually in three songs on the album.


Beethoven: “Too ugly, and half crazy”

Magdalena Willman said no to his proposal, later telling her nephew that Beethoven was "too ugly and half crazy."


Queen Elizabeth I shuts it down

In response to pressure from England's lords to choose a mate, Queen Elizabeth I replies: "If I am to disclose to you what I should prefer ... it is this: beggar-woman and single, far rather than queen and married!"