Opposite Day Timeline

August 10, 2018

Freaky Friday Premier

Freaky Friday, where a woman and her teenage daughter swap bodies, created a lovable and fun story of having the opposite kind of day you expected.

November 28, 1989

"Opposites Attract" by Paula Abdul

This mega-hit from Paula Abdul was released in 1989 and slowly climbed its way into one of the biggest of the following year, 1990.

September 24, 1970

Odd Couple air date

Just three days after the first op-ed was published the "Odd Couple" - a show for which the entire conceit is based on the fact that the two main characters are opposite - premiered on ABC following the success of the film version in 1968, which followed the success of the stage play in 1965.

September 21, 1970

Op-Ed first publication

The Op-Ed, which actually stands for opposite of editorial, was first published in the New York Times on September 21, 1970.