VJ Day Timeline

April 28, 1952

The Treaty of San Francisco is signed

Forty-eight countries sign, including Japan and the vast preponderance of Allied nations, officially ending World War II.

September 2, 1945

No other choice

The Japanese Emperor Hirohito, on board the American warship the U.S.S. Missouri, signed the Potsdam Declaration, a document of surrender that the Allies had drawn up, the Emperor facing the threat that Japan was to completely surrender or “face prompt and utter destruction.”

August 15, 1945

A serious and solemn radio broadcast

Emperor Hirohito announces to the Japanese people his administration’s intention to offer surrender to the Allies.

December 7, 1941

Zeros diving from out of the sun

The United States abandoned any attitude of “wait and see” regarding the then-foreign War, when Japanese fighters and other craft attacked the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii without warning.