Global Handwashing Day — 15 October

It sounds simple: Wash your hands, save lives. But even something as easy and normal as washing hands is often lost on people, and it can have serious consequences. The Global Handwashing Partnership is committed to helping share the knowledge about the importance of washing your hands at critical times, and will use Global Handwashing Day on October 15, as a platform to spread its message.We all know it’s important to wash our hands after…doing our business. But there’s even more we can do, especially in areas where knowledge on the spread of disease is limited, to make sure we aren’t spreading any microbes. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that good handwashing habits could reduce diarrheal disease-associated deaths by as much as 50 percent. So by spreading awareness around the globe, you can do your part to build better, healthier communities.

5 months from now
15 October