National French Fry Day — 13 July

When it comes to the tastiest French fries on the planet, everyone seems to have an opinion. It’s a time consuming decision to find your favorite, because no two restaurants seem to have the same recipe. So National French Fry Day on July 13 is a great opportunity to take the time to sample some golden-brown potato slices. Estimates say Americans eat  around 20 to 30 pounds per person per year. That seems like a lot, but when you think about all the ways you can eat fries, it adds up quickly. They’re easy to gobble down, whether they’re straight out of a fast food French fry container or whether you’re an expert at making fries at home. Add in all of the different condiments, and these simple potatoes become even more popular.

Note: French fries do have a nutritional stigma attached to them due to high caloric and fat content. But it’s tough to say no to a hot batch — even the ones that are at the bottom of the bag. 

5 months from now
13 July