National Moonshine Day — 4 June

Moonshine, once a fiery (and illegal) homemade liquor, has now gone legit. Still, the drink conjures up colorful early 20th century memories of Prohibition, fast cars, and makeshift stills in the Appalachian woods. So, when it’s time to celebrate National Moonshine Day on June 4, you can indulge guilt-free.

The drink achieved legendary status upon the passage of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition) in 1919. At that point, Americans who wanted to drink alcohol had to turn to the black market of the day, which belonged to the moonshiners and bootleggers. They distilled the moonshine and then delivered it, making criminals of everyone involved.

Today large distilleries sell moonshine, looking to rekindle nostalgic memories of the illicit drink. But the days of cheap, questionable brews with deadly contaminants are thankfully over.

1 month from now
4 June