Dünya'da Temmuz Ayının Önemli Günleri

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Dünya'da Temmuz ayında yaşanan önemli günlerin listesi ve ücretsiz sosyal medya tasarımları.
29 Temmuz ​Day of Arafah

The Day of Arafah (or Arafat) is the ninth day of the Islamic lunar month — July 29 this year. It’s on the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul- Hijjah and is also on the second day of Hajj. Muslims view this as the best day of the year. The d...

30 Temmuz International Day of Friendship

International Day of Friendship was designated by the United Nations General Assembly (UN). On July 30, we step back and get thankful for those relationships worldwide, as they promote and encourage peace, happiness, and unity. The UN encourages gove...