Better Breakfast Day Tarihi

Early 1900s

Family farms

Need a couple of eggs? Head no further than the backyard. Egg "farms" typically supply enough eggs for the family — plus a few extras to sell at the local farmers' market. Eventually flocks grow to around 400 hens who live outdoors with a coop for roosting.


Hens move indoors

This landmark change brings lots of improvements. Specialized henhouses result in much healthier birds. Better feeding practices also improves egg productivity. Farmers' profits increase.


Henhouses improve

California hens produce about 250 eggs per year, while mortality rates drop. Based on this, more farms across the country build new facilities which prove beneficial for everyone.



Egg farmers need better machines to handle the increased output. Conveyor belts emerge to quickly collect the eggs and carry them to the washers. Eventually labor costs fall as the nutritional quality of eggs rises.


Eggs and your health

researchers reveal that for healthy human beings, "There's no limitation on egg consumption. Eggs are a good source of protein that can be easily added to a person's meal." Results also show that eating eggs does not equal higher saturated-fat intake, although different preparation methods — such as frying in butter — would make a difference.