DOGust 1st: Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs — 1 Ağustos

Thousands of sweet dogs land at animal shelters until they can find forever homes. If you’ve ever visited a shelter, you know the heart-wrenching looks on their faces. But there’s always hope. Back in 2008, the world’s largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption organization, North Shore Animal League America, chose August 1 (or “DOGust 1st) as the universal birthday for all shelter dogs, or as it refers to them, “mutt-i-grees.” This date inspires all of us to consider their plight. Join us this summer by sharing your love for these precious creatures. Shelters across America join North Shore Animal League on this day by making an extra effort to facilitate adoptions. Read on to learn how you can help.

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7 ay sonra
1 Ağustos