National Art Day Tarihi


Soup’s on

Andy Warhol makes the famous Campbell's Soup Cans that were considered to be a breakthrough in Pop Art. The set consists of 32 silk-screened canvases, one for each of the 32 soup varieties that Campbell's sold at that time.


Jack the Dripper

​Jackson Pollock was called "Jack the Dripper" for his famous drip paintings. "No. 5, 1948" is the most expensive and renowned abstract work by this American artist.


​The Metropolitan Museum of Art opens in New York City

America's most famous and diverse art museum was incorporated. It opened to the public and was located at Dodworth Building at 681 Fifth Avenue in New York.


​Oil paint was discovered

Credit goes to the Flemish painter Jan van Eyck but in truth, oils were used before his time. Oil paint can be mixed more easily and applied in big strokes. This revolutionizes the art scene.

​38,000-33,000 BC

​Venus of Hohle Fels

This small ivory carving of a female figure was discovered in southwestern Germany and is believed to be one of the oldest pieces of art discovered so far.