National Donor Day Tarihi


Spanish doctors performed a successful full face transplant

The first successful full face transplant made medical history at Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Spain.


The National Kidney Foundation initiated a new campaign to increase donor participation

The National Kidney Foundation kicked off its dramatically-named END THE WAIT! campaign with a goal of increasing organ donations.


A U.S. government health agency started a hospital program to increase organ donations

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services initiated the Organ Donation Breakthrough Collaborative to expand organ donor best practices in the nation’s largest hospitals.


Living organ donors reflected a new successful transplant milestone

For the first time in the United States, the number of living donors exceeded the number of deceased donors.


Federal employees were encouraged to donate organs without losing pay

Congress passed the Organ Donor Leave Act, allowing federal employees who serve as living organ or marrow donors to receive paid leave.