National Hiking Day Tarihi

​October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2014

Paying it forward

​Volunteers put in 241,936 hours maintaining the Appalachian Trail for future hikers to enjoy.


​The U.S. recognized trails

​The National Trails System was established in 1965.


​Higher and Higher

​A team of mountaineers reached Elbrus - the highest mountain in Europe.


The mountains start calling

In 1838, Scottish-American environmentalist John Muir is born, arguably the father of modern hiking and outdoorsmanship.


Trailblazing begins

In 1819 one of the first, major manicured hiking trails is created to lead up Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.

18th Century

Meandering meaning

The idea that pleasure can be found by walking through the woods (aimlessly or for conquest) didn't come around until the 18th century. Until then it was regarded as an indication of poverty.