National Hug Your Dog Day Tarihi


ThunderShirt invented

This invention is a stylish vest designed to hug your dog very tightly during stressful situations, such as thunderstorms. Studies have shown that the feeling of being squeezed and secure has a calming effect. Hug your dog today to comfort them!


Emotional support pup

A federal housing law allows emotional support and guidance dogs to bypass "no pet" restrictions in public housing. Hug your dog today for being there for you.


Humane Society founded

This organization is one of the most important animal welfare groups around. On average, the Humane Society saves about 1.6 million dog lives each year. Hug your dog today to celebrate your lives together.


The most famous dog

America's favorite border collie bounded into our hearts when Eric Knight published "Lassie." This beloved pup inspired a feature length film and many seasons of television. Hug your dog today for being a pop culture icon.


First fire pups

Yes. Dalmatians actually assisted firefighters in the horse-drawn age. (They kept horses calm and focused.) Hug your dog 101 times today in honor of professional pooches around the world.

13,000 BC

Dog #1

Scientists believe that the first pet dogs were domesticated wolves who lived with people in central Asia some 15,000 years ago. Hug your dog 101 times today to celebrate shared history!