National Middle Child Day Tarihi

March 19, 2000

The Simpsons Predicts Trump

In "Bart to the Future", during the 11th season of the beloved animated sitcom, Lisa Simpson, lovable kid genius and eternal middle child, becomes president – the episode also predicts the presidency of Donald Trump.

January 9, 2000

Malcolm in the Middle First Airs

The hit sitcom first hits airwaves, launching a seven-season franchise about a dysfunctional family and the middle child who — sort of — holds it all together.


National Middle Child Day First Celebrated

Elizabeth Walker creates National Middle Child Day to give often-forgotten middle kids their own special celebration.


Middle Child Wins Peace Prize

Middle child Teddy Roosevelt becomes the first U.S. president to win the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the Treaty of Portsmouth, exhibiting that famous middle-child diplomacy to end the Russo-Japanese War.