National No Beard Day — 18 Ekim

What is National No Beard Day?

For those men who are part of the “no beard resistance” in a bearded world; there’s National No Beard Day on October 18. Shaving off your facial hair is a fast way to change your look. Going clean shaven could give you a totally new outlook on life, land you that job or completely change your dating pool!

National No Beard Day Related Holidays

National Hair Day 

Every October 1 lets you work that weave, that ponytail, those cornrows and braids or whatever else you do to express your personality through your hairstyle. Today is a day to celebrate your personality as personified by your hair and to explore ways to keep it lustrous and healthy. It’s okay to be hair-crazed today!

 National Emo Day

On each December 19, rock skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and studded belts. Dye your hair jet-black hair and don’t forget the long bangs! For some, the word “emo” describes a sad teenager who dresses in a very deliberate way. But the emo subculture has a history that reaches back to the 1980s and continues to resonate today. 

National Dental Hygiene Month

National Dental Hygiene Month lets you congratulate yourself on having beautiful teeth throughout the month of October. This month is dedicated to promoting healthy mouths all across the country, and celebrating the hard work your favorite dental hygienist does to keep your pearly whites squeaky clean.

Full List of Holidays in October

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18 Ekim