National Sundae Day Tarihi



Move over “31 flavors.” Here comes “24 scoops.” New York City’s Sugar Factory restaurant, in honor of National Dessert Day, creates a massive sundae known as the Candy Kong. The sundae includes two dozen scoops of ice cream, party sparklers, and a whole glazed donut.


Tale of two (sundae) cities

How’s this for a heated battle over ice cream? The Two Rivers City Council enacts the “Resolution Formally Challenging the City of Ithaca, New York’s Claim to be “Birthplace of the Ice Cream Sundae.” Among other things, this resolution (humorously) states that “the city of Ithaca is hereby directed to cease and desist from its continued claims of being ‘Birthplace of the Ice Cream Sundae,’ lest the City of Two Rivers be forced to take further action to set the historical record straight.” Cute.


“Tin Roof” sundae

This version features a scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and a scoop of chocolate ice cream with marshmallow sauce, topped with peanuts. Harold Dean “Pinky” Thayer, the son of a pharmacist, creates this delicacy at the Potter Drug Co. in Potter, Nebraska. Not surprisingly, competing theories exist as to how the name “tin roof” came along.


That’s hot!

Clarence Clifton Brown, owner of C.C. Brown’s Ice Cream Shop in Los Angeles, tops his sundae with hot chocolate sauce. Hence, the hot fudge sundae. Clifton made his own fudge in copper kettles that were originally brought to the city by covered wagon. His family kept the fudge recipe a closely guarded secret.