National Text Your Ex Day Tarihi


Nastiest. Breakup. Ever.

​Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII, was beheaded after he accused her of treason. (However, the unfortunate truth is because she wasn’t able to give birth to a male heir. The dark truth is because his infamous wandering eye had already wandered to his next victim and he needed a reason to divorce her).


A Presidential Mishap

Abraham Lincoln had jokingly agreed to an acquaintance's idea to marry her sister, Mary Owens, after she noticed how heart broken he was from the death of his late love interest. When Owens then arrived in town thinking she was engaged, Lincoln had to write a very awkward letter telling her she would not like living in the State Capital.


​A royally ugly divorce

Splitsville for Princess Diana and Prince Charles.


​A tattoo proved to be a bad omen

​Nick Cannon, who was married to Mariah Carey, got her first name tattooed across his back. They would divorce two years later.