National Unfriend Day Tarihi

November 17, 2010

Kimmel declares the holiday of holidays - a king's holiday!

Jimmy Kimmel declares this day to be National Unfriend Day. Too many people on too many networks sharing and posting too many things. Cleanse the feed, free your mind.

October 2010

Instagram makes you jealous of your friends

Instagram becomes a platform where users can follow each other and share pictures of what will eventually become their perfect lives.

March 2006

Twitter shows up to put the news cycle in warp speed

Jack Dorsey created Twitter, a way for users to post whatever they want (in 140 characters or less) in real time. The velocity of information hits light speed.

February 2004

Facebook comes around to change everything

Somewhere in a dorm room in Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook and, pretty much, changed everything about the way we communicate online.

August 1, 2003

Myspace is here for all your friend group ranking needs

Myspace is when social networks crawled out of the primordial soup of web 1.0 and became what we, basically, know today. Who was in your top eight?

March 1999

Livejournal comes by to turn self-publishing into social networking

And everyone decided to publish their bad poetry and emo ramblings about young love and teenage heartbreak. The beginning of following and unfollowing friends online basically starts here.