Ashura Tarihi


War on peace

In Dhaka, Bangladesh on October 24, three explosions kill one person and injure 80 in an Ashura procession.


Ashura commemoration banned in Iraq

In a purely political move, Saddam Hussein bans the religious observence honoring Ashura commemorations.

680 AD

The Battle of Karbala

The battle takes place between Husayn ibn Ali, his supporters, and the Yazid forces. Husayn and his supporters are beheaded. Islam remembers them as martyrs and the battle has great significance for Shi'a Muslims.

622 AD

What Muhammad designated

After Hijrah, when the Prophet Muhammad flees persecution by traveling from Mecca to Medina, Muhammad designates Ashura as a day of fasting from sunset to sunset. Later Ashura becomes a voluntary observance.