National White Chocolate Day Tarihi


​It’s official: white chocolate is a thing

​After 10 years of petitioning by chocolate manufacturers, the FDA finally agreed to expand its definition of “chocolate,” making white chocolate officially a part of the chocolate family.


The first mass-distributed white chocolate bar comes to the U.S.

The Alpine White bar, a Nestlé product, is released. While the white chocolate itself was a novelty at this time, the real excitement of the Alpine White was that it included almonds in the chocolate.


​​A new version is created on this side of the pond

​​In the U.S., Kuno Baedeker developed a white chocolate while working for the Merckens Chocolate Company, which still makes chocolate today (and incidentally, also markets other sweet treats like Black Chocolate Wafers).


White chocolate makes its debut in Europe​

Believed to be invented by the Swiss company Nestlé, the first bar of white chocolate, called the Galak bar, (rebranded as the MilkyBar in English-speaking countries), was revealed to the confectionery-loving world.​