Amerika'da Ocak Ayının Önemli Günleri

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Amerika'da Ocak ayında yaşanan önemli günlerin listesi ve ücretsiz sosyal medya tasarımları.
4 Ocak National Trivia Day

Q. What holiday celebrates little known factoids? A. National Trivia Day, January 4.

Our obsession for trivia has been part of popular culture for many decades and it’s easy to understand why. Most of us are naturally competitive and social beings a...

6 Ocak Three Kings Day

On the twelfth day of Christmas, January 6, we celebrate Three Kings Day! Celebrated most in Spain and Latin America, but also across Europe, “El Dia de los Reyes”, as it’s called in Spanish, marks the adoration of baby Jesus by the three wise men.

19 Ocak National Popcorn Day

Join us on January 19 as we celebrate National Popcorn Day! Buttered, salted, kettled, drizzled with caramel, popcorn is one of those snacks perfect anytime, anywhere. It’s great on the go, in the theater, or in your living room! Just be prepared to...

23 Ocak National Pie Day

Sponsored by the American Pie Council (yes, that’s a real thing!), National Pie Day lets us enjoy one of our favorite desserts guilt-free. After all, we’re celebrating a national holiday!

While pie exists in some form all over the world, the United...

26 Ocak National Spouses Day

National Spouses Day is finally here! Other than Valentine’s Day, this is the only worldwide holiday that gives couples a chance to spoil each other, to take time out of their busy schedules, and to tend to their love. It’s a chance to celebrate your...

31 Ocak National Fun at Work Day

As if Fridays couldn’t get any better around the office, National Fun at Work Day falls on the fourth Friday of January! Whether you work for a small office or a large organization, injecting fun into the workplace is a great way to bond with coworke...