The first Friday of October is World Smile Day (October 2), a relatively new holiday with a fascinating story. Created by a commercial artist named Harvey Ball, this day came about as a response to his creation of the smiley face. Harvey worried that...
Consider National Taco Day, October 4 every year, a concentrated and intensified version of the “Taco Tuesdays” many restaurants offer in a bid to bring in Happy Hour-like crowds. Come to think of it, to further whet your appetite for the subject, ge...
National Noodle Day is on October 6 and we are getting ready to celebrate by doing the best thing possible with noodles… eating them! Can you believe that noodles have been around for over 4,000 years? Noodles are popular all over the world and range...
Daughters mark your calendars; October 6 is National Transfer Money to Your Daughter Day. You read that right, an entire day devoted to daughters getting some extra pocket money from their parents. And what a great day it is to be a daughter, right?...
National Fluffernutter Day is October 8, when we fondly pay homage to the childhood sandwich of peanut butter and Marshmallow Fluff squished between two slices of bread. Fluffernutter holds a special place in the childhood memories of many New Engl...
On this October 11, National Coming Out Day will continue to raise awareness for individuals within the LGBTQ+ community, and champion the idea that homophobia thrives in silence. On this day, many people who identify as LGBTQ+ will “come out” (a ter...
What is Farmers Day?
Farmers Day is celebrated every year on October 12! The profession of farming began around 12,000 years ago with the domestication of livestock as hunter/gatherers settled down and started to plant their own food. In short, farm...
Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday celebrated on October 12 commemorating the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. Over the last few decades however, this celebration has faced serious controversy due to Christopher Columbus’ various...
What is National Dessert Day?
“Let them eat cake!” This popular french saying holds true especially on October 14, aka National Dessert Day! Calories don’t count today, so make sure to pick up that box of donuts you’ve been thinking about all week...
Pets come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes sizes get a little out of hand. That’s why on October 14 we recognize National Pet Obesity Day to remind people to keep their pets healthy. When your pooch starts getting a little plump, you know it’s...
What is National Boss’s Day?
October 16 is National Boss’s Day, a chance to celebrate the people who keep us gainfully employed! “Boss” has been used as slang to describe something cool or excellent, so if you are blessed with a great boss, you coul...
What is Sweetest Day?
To put it simply, Sweetest Day every October 17, is a day to be sweet by sharing a kind thought, a small gift or a gesture of kindness. It’s a day to give a card with a sweet message to someone you appreciate. Little gifts of c...
What is Back to the Future Day?
Throw on your Nikes, pop in a VHS and rev up your DeLorean because October 21 is Back to the Future Day! First celebrated in 2015 (a significant year for serious fans), the original “Back to the Future” is a 1985 sci-...
National Check Your Meds Day, observed every October 21 and sponsored by the National Community Pharmacists Association, prompts consumers to bring their prescriptions to their local pharmacists for review. Pharmacists can remove any prescriptions th...
Carb lovers of the world, behold: October 25 is World Pasta Day. People have been eating pasta since at least 5,000 B.C. However, this delightful holiday was only established in 1995, when 40 pasta producers from around the world gathered to hold the...
National First Responders Day on October 28 recognizes the heroic men and women who make it their business to take immediate action when disaster strikes. Not sure what a first responder does? Just think about 9/11 for a moment. Firefighters, police,...